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The Universe Hears You
Every day, we have a thousand thoughts. Sometimes we talk to ourselves out loud, sometimes it is just the quiet voice in our mind. What...

The Universe Said ZIG!
In our rapidly changing world, you never know what comes next! I took a break from writing here because of COVID, but now...I'm BACK! In...

Time in a Bottle
As a bottle collector, I can see how the manufacturing process reflects current times. Glass thickness changes, there are fewer imprints,...

Just Add More Bacon
Ahh, the bacon bookmark! One of my best sellers in my etsy shop ( It is my hand-stamped, original design...

Sick of the News…
Dirty laundry/politics/fake news/violence/hatred/fear-mongering/The virus/The cure/The mask/ventilators/No mask/No cure/stock market...

Heart Chakra Messages
My newest offering in my intuitive work collection: Heart Chakra Messages. On a heart-shaped, pre-primed piece of roll canvas (fits into...

I DO Love a Good Commission!
Any time I can paint, I do. I love to paint for others. Many of my pieces hang in both private collections and public spaces. Every time,...

Rainbow Season
Living in Florida, summertime is the rainy season- or as I call it- Rainbow Season! I marvel as the visible light spectrum reveals itself...

Beauty on the Bathroom Floor
In finding beauty everywhere, I enjoy it mostly in unusual places. Good design in the Ladies Room, hands down, is my favorite!! Give me a...

A Thankful Spirit
Every day is sacred. To know and understand that is the gift that keeps on giving. It perpetuates a positive cycle and a healthy mind....

Science Girl and The Shift
As a woman of science, I used to ask myself “How did I get HERE?” Of course, I had to stop because the answer is always the same. I...

Paranormal Pet Podcast
Ha! Say that 3x fast!! Being a podcast guest is becoming a regular thing for me. I get to talk about my work in the comfort of my own...

The Love of Work
A wise man said, “love what you do, and you never work a day in your life”. Between creating custom memorials, teaching art and glass...

New Territory
2020 so far, has been filled with new adventures! (I love a good adventure!!) My first session teaching for OLLI (Osher Lifelong Learning...

In the Red !!
This is definitely a musing, no fusing involved! This grouping is all paint- buttery Golden acrylic pigments. 10 canvases worth that make...

Heart Season
All of the year, for me, is heart season. February is Heart Awareness month, but we need to be aware of our hearts always. The 4th chakra...

K9 Police/Working Dogs - Purple Cloud Studio
Recently, I created a special cremation memorial item for the proud men and women who work with special dogs. From our canine police...

Cool Tiny Art - Purple Cloud Studio
Tiny things are all the rage! Tiny homes, tiny office niches, and, of course, tiny art to adorn those spaces. I have created a 4x4 inch...

Wing - Purple Cloud Studio
Wings:the message of Love Feathers, wings, and angels are reoccurring themes in my artwork-especially my memorial keepsakes! They are...
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